We are violently challenged these days with the Virus, Black Lives Matter, to name just two of the obvious. Issues, problems in our very face challenging us where we are the weakest. Where we overreact and take the other extreme, separating us from any truths that can solve our woes. We are like fish in a barrel if we cannot posses ourselves. The selves that are our minds, our hearts, and our souls. These three are masters of determinations. Some of us have to introduce ourselves to these three.
We can shake our finger at the imperfections of society and spend a lifetime at it or we can muster ourselves from a forgotten existence, zombies. Know thyself, be thyself. Call yourself forth, your better self. It’s as if you will be raising the dead. The longer we delay this, the longer we will be fish in a barrel. Victims of the dark powers! Know Christ, know thyself, our future success waits for us to own this truth. Seeking knowledge in Christ should be our goal!
Rejoice 07/15/2020