Subject: Seeking Knowledge In God.
Matthew Chapter 7, Verses 7-8. I am speaking of the us, the Gentiles, anyone that is not a Jew. Because there is so much information to discuss, I will be to the point. Long ago we were called heathens by the Jews. But we were alone in our seeking of God which we had a desire for. We had no prophets or leaders, but we had this desire. So God in his infinite Love and Compassion noticed that we did not grow weary for our search in the one true ruling God. I won’t try to compare a people who had no guidance to a people who did have a lot of guidance. I will talk about the Seekers and how they were noticed by the perfect ruler God. How the Seekers were not only noticed, but they were guided to righteousness. We have two faiths now, the Christians and Muslims. Seekers. One faith has a prophet, and the other has a prophet/savior. Both are good, but one is almighty.
With Jesus Christ, you must realize that he has all authority and has the power to speak over evil. You must understand that evil has power, and that evil wants to decimate mankind. Christ has authority over all things, and evil cannot battle against it. The life of Christ in his Gospels teaches and explains how we can possess this authority and use it to the good of mankind. Rejoice!
Cost to you – purchase the New Testament.
This web site is for all for we are all children of God. I am speaking to all. Our human family that has been complicated by ourselves for we let jealousy, greed, hatred, and most of all unfaithfulness to the truth rule and give it worship. Jesus Christ has brought us truth, and it is in the Gospels, the New Testament, that his disciples brought to us. Words faithful to the truth, no spin involved. But I will still remain an ambassador to the Seekers. They need to know their history. “No thyself and be thyself” was written long ago. St. Thomas said: “He who knows the all but fails to know himself misses everything.” Because of our burden, Christ with the help of the Father, God, has promised to send us the Holy Spirit, our advocate, a portion of God, for our success. A reference to the Seekers, Gentiles, was in the 8th Century BC by Isaiah the Prophet, he mentions how the Gentiles are in God’s great design. Also, Isaiah Chapter 11 Verse 10, the Gentiles shall seek out, see we have been Seekers a long time.