Subtitle: Seeking Knowledge In God and Seeking Comfort In God.
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24. God is love. His love is always there in all his works. The power and his authority, even with his one word, it comes from love. Even in his stillness, there will be love. There is no weakness in God; God always rules with love. And ruler he is. Because of our necessity to overcome evil, our great burden, we have God who knows how much we need him. If that’s not loving, what is? Through love, God designed a perfect plan for us that revealed himself, a creator who can become man, in the form of Jesus Christ. God has extended himself in a new form, a new covenant, reaching out to mankind because of this urgency to help us. Because God is Spirit as well as love, his word now has become flesh in the form of Jesus Christ. God has expanded himself in our eyes to be a servant of mankind. Some people have a hard time getting their heads around this. This plan of God was designed out of love for us. We need this holy chemistry as supernatural nutrition. Narrow minds cannot grasp this plan of God; only love can. We can have the confidence to approach and have fellowship and learn the dynamics of God’s love. Now Jesus Christ, with the authority that God has given him, has said in the Gospel of John 14:6: “I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me!”
This is what we need to know and realize, this is the true direction in our quest to seek God. God, with his extended hand in Jesus Christ, does not stop there; he promises that when Jesus Christ is taken back to himself, he will send the Holy Spirit to support us. This Holy Spirit is a portion of God, proof again that his works are designed with love. Don’t forget that the Holy Spirit is of God, and God is love and God rules. And he commands us to love one another. All power and authority follows this command of his, an urgent recommendation. This is information that is here for you, and it is fully realized spirituality. It will and has surpassed religious theology. It is the truth. There is no more that you need to know, so get started. The Holy Spirit is what you need, the living force that you need to make room for in your heart and mind, to be a perfect Seeker. Keep this clear always in your heart and mind. No need to chase and buy a library of books. A merry-go-round of buying books and spending your money, the money you can give to someone in need. In keeping hope alive, a shout out to some of you sport athlete guys, some of you corporate leaders, and also you talented entertainers who do more good than most religious preachers. So Faith, Hope, and Love will remain these three, and the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13.