Subtitle: Seeking Knowledge In Christ.
Now I have to warn and prophesy to those televangelists who are taking advantage of God’s children. Selling books one after another, a merry-go-round of information, causing weak Seekers to spend too much of their income. In Matthew 10:8, Jesus tells his disciples without cost you have received, without cost, you are to give. These money-minded televangelists must not be selling anything of true value. They haven’t truly received anything from God. They are spinning the Gospel to fit and sound like a corporate motivational speaker. They are no different from the merchants in the temple area where Jesus had to drive them out, and he said to them: “it is written my house shall be a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of thieves.” The new covenant that Jesus brings to us values people as temples. Pastors, you are polluting the temples, God’s children’s minds, the new temple, with information that is not related to truths. Your sermons are loaded with your own personalities, your egos, your extreme facial expressions, very close to Hitler’s tactics, charm, seduction, and control. It’s all about you! You leave no room for the Holy Spirit when you preach. If you preach about the Holy Spirit, you must leave room for the Holy Spirit to come into your listeners’ minds and hearts. You are not only thieves, you are destroyers. I will remind you of Matthew 7:21-23: not everyone who says Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, Jesus will say and declare I never knew you depart from me. Look around you pastors, and there is no solid support under your feet, you have no solid foundation, at any time, things may collapse around you.
NOW TO YOU, THE TRUE SEEKERS, JESUS SAYS: BE WISE AS SERPENTS AND INNOCENT AS DOVES. God’s follow-through plan after Jesus fulfilled his mission was to send us the Holy Spirit a portion of himself to be our success story. How great was the victory of Christ, that this can be given to us. Also, Jesus, many times referred to himself as the “son of man”. So much to discover in that reference of himself, “son of man”. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal that mystery to you. Give the Holy Spirit room in your heart and mind. You must realize this is your direction if you want to stay the course as Seekers. God says: seek yeah my face. With the Holy Spirit as a force multiplier, you will surely become special forces in His service, and you will be above average. This is free of cost, no need to send money for a follow-up book or tape. This is your road map to righteousness. I have only clarified what Jesus Christ has said. Read this over as many times as you have to, to own it, your gift from God. Rejoice Seekers for you now have a choice to be glorified. Be brave, have faith; you will never be alone. Accept Christ as your savior!