Subtitle: Seeking Gospel Knowledge.
What a tale of love if love doth fail, if tongues doth fail but never used. Therefore, all hearts with love, will use its tongue, with eyes wide open, not be undone. Christho ‘24
“To be or not to be” we understand there is a decision to be made. This famous playwright will try to give clarity to the actor’s thoughts and this actor will try to define his thoughts. Can you define your thoughts and make better decisions than Hamlet or does it turn into schemes rather than a plan that can possibly contribute to a better world?
“To be” is to choose or “not to be” is to avoid. It’s great if all our thoughts were “to be” all the time, we still have to make decisions on what to avoid, the “not to be’s”. These foolish options seem to be piling up and are even sugarcoated making it harder to recognize Truths which we also cannot afford to forget.
You will discover in the New Testament that there is a plethora of Truths especially in The Gospels, with real stories and answers that seem endless. They should not be stamped with religion only and read at church only by someone who is deemed qualified. It may be the only time you hear these words. This method is fading fast because it belongs to more of the beginning and the many mistakes that beginners can always make.
In John 14:16, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, The Spirit of Truth”. A new order presented this “Spirit of Truth”. Who has ever spoken like this and who can fulfill these promised words to entangle its believers with its Divine character? You are encouraged here and now to test it, put it to its strength, read it, like testing a car, take it for a spin, kick the tires.
This New Testament with its Gospels and super-philosophy is waiting for you to discover and witness this continuum and to be part of this entanglement that you can experience. Quit keeping yourself in the dark. Don’t create your own hell by not choosing the Truth that is there.
Also, if you can help the ones in need, who are struggling to survive, you will help indeed.
© 02/09/2024 – – Plagiarism is not encouraged here, these words are meant to be given with no cost. Plagiarizers will be prosecuted.